In this highly personal and powerful blog, Marie Edmonds, founder of the Aspirations Days Program and Carrie's Outreach, shares her experiences of addiction and selling sex.
Prostitution has been a common issue around the globe for hundreds of years. This bizarre, degrading and frightening way to earn money has led men and women to their death, caused harm to the communities the trade is offered in, and caused massive long-term effects, mentally, physically and emotionally to those involved. The effects are devastating.
In Whitechapel, East London, in April 1818 ‘Jack the Ripper’ killed five vulnerable women. Five women who, from witness accounts, were seen to be drinking somewhat heavily in the local joints before they took their trade on to the back streets of Whitechapel. This would lead you to believe each woman was suffering an alcohol problem. This happened, it was real, a man cutting women who sold sex into pieces and taking their lives.
In Ipswich, Suffolk in, November 2006 five women who sold sex were killed by strangulation in the space of six weeks. All these women were known to local services for suffering with heroin, alcohol and crack cocaine problems. One woman was interviewed on the news saying how she didn’t want to be out there but didn’t have much choice as she had to feed her addiction problem. Just one day later her body was found a few miles from where the interview had taken place. One of these women had only given birth to a baby boy a few weeks before she was killed. All the women were someone’s child or their sister, their aunt or a mother to their own children. They were all extremely vulnerable women, forced to sell sex on the streets due to their drug addiction, with the consequences proving fatal for them.
These are just two accounts in one country that illustrate the devastating effects of prostitution. Ten women killed while out trying to fund a habit they had no choice over, while trying to avoid the pain of underlying trauma. I’m certain that none of these women had any understanding of why they were using, they didn’t even know why they were putting themselves in such high-risk situations to fund their drug habits. For them, their thinking was just to earn a few pounds so that they didn’t need to suffer the effects of withdrawals. A total loss of control over their lives, values, morals and respect for themselves will have taken place, desperation of the highest form.
I am mentioning these cases because I sold sex to fund my addiction in the Whitechapel area at the time the women were being murdered in Ipswich. I didn’t want to ‘work’ the streets in my local area down to fear of somebody I knew seeing me. I remember the news being flooded with images of these woman, I remember the warnings for women selling sex in Ipswich and the surrounding areas not to go out onto the streets, and I remember the police presence in Whitechapel being stepped up.
The police would get out of the car, ask if we were ‘ok’ and warn us about what was happening to the women in the Ipswich area. Did this stop me going out on dark nights? No, it didn’t. Was I scared? I was absolutely petrified. So why couldn’t I stop? The answer is I had totally lost all my power to heroin and crack cocaine.
I started taking crack and heroin when I was just 17 years old, when I was still a child. I was not aware of the dangers or the effects addiction would have on me, or on my children’s lives. The effects were devastating and that I still live with them today.
Even after being in abstinent based recovery for over 6 years, I still live with the effects of selling sex. The harms I caused to myself, and that other caused me, have left me with deep rooted pain and trauma and I live with complex PTSD. I live with nightmares, triggers, and sadness for the young girl I lost to the men who bought me so cheaply.
After coming into recovery, I wasn’t even aware of the effects selling sex had on me. I was walking around consistently angry. The nightmares I was having I just put down to coming out of my addiction. I couldn’t manage or maintain friendships or my relationship. I just put it down to defects of my own character.
As I moved further along in my recovery, my mental health was deteriorating. I experienced anxiety, panic, fear and a feeling of constant dread but I wasn’t making the connection. Nobody in meetings could diagnose me. My support network didn’t say anything. In fact, I was pushing my friends away daily. Nobody could hug me. If my sponsor went to, I would cringe inside. I was in pain from deep-rooted trauma caused by own actions to feed my addiction and I wasn’t even aware.
Then someone saw me. Chip Somers from Private Practice, London kindly reached out to me and offered me some free Skype counselling. I had had therapy before but that was when I was still using drugs and consequently, I was never open or honest in my sessions.
I gave him my background. My mother also suffers from the disease of addiction, my father had left when I was four and I was rejected daily by Mum because I got in the way of her using. I see this today as neglect and mental abuse on a child. Hugs were not a common thing in our house. There were different men coming into the home and sexual and physical abuse took place. I briefly touched on selling sex in the session. Chip was very good with me and held me and made me feel safe and supported through the process.
At the end of my session Chip started to guide me on the areas that I needed to work on. I was stunned by his statement: “You need to look at the time you sold sex, Marie”. My response: “I’m OK. I was powerless. I know why I did it”. Little did I know that, by saying this, my mind was shutting out the trauma from those years selling sex. I will never forget his reply and it has stayed with me. Chip said: “Don’t be so bloody surprised, Marie! Selling sex is affecting every area of your life and there is a link to your past trauma that made you be able to go and fund your habit that way”.
I was stunned, every part of my being didn’t want to believe him. I had always thought the link to my troubles was down to my parents. I do not blame or justify my using on my past, I take full responsibility for it. I’ve made some very poor choices in my using and there have been devastating consequences, not just to me, but for others too, but nothing has caused me more harm than selling sex. I’m extremely grateful to Chip and his support. I feel if it wasn’t identified when it was, the guilt, shame and anger I was carrying around, would have eventually taken me back to a relapse at some point.
Since that session with Chip, I have completed the 12 Steps and looked at the time I sold sex. I added myself to my amends list as part of the process to make amends to myself. The Step Four process really wasn’t good for me in parts as the sexual inventory and abuse section was bringing my trauma to the surface. I was 15 months clean and writing around an issue I had no awareness of in myself. It was dangerous to my mental health and my recovery to unearth this stuff so early as I had huge amounts of shame linked to selling sex. The anger I had felt was towards myself for years I thought I was anger at the world.
I remember heading out on to the red-light area for the first time like it was yesterday, I can remember thinking to myself “well, he’s taken it all from me anyway”. I was thinking about my abuser as a child. I don’t remember my first punter, I don’t remember my last, I don’t remember cars or names, but I remember men, lots of men and their smell.
The winter months were horrendous. I stood out there hour after hour, the temperature below freezing and my withdrawals from heroin biting my skin and bones, with tears streaming down my face because I just want to go home. But I don’t, I can’t, I need my next fix.
The summer months were not much better. It got dark later so less money was earned and more police were purging the area and my convictions were clocking up. There is nothing more embarrassing than having to stand in a magistrate’s court charged with soliciting and talking about the matter in a police interview wasn’t much fun either. Being locked up for nearly 24 hours in withdrawal is not the way to help a person who is clearly extremely vulnerable and damaged. Not once in the process of being given numerous court orders was I offered counselling or help around selling sex or addiction. No help was ever offered to me.
One night, I had a really bad experience. A man had picked me up while I was withdrawing and I wasn’t able to do what he was asking from me. I was raped. I was held at my throat and forced into a sexual act I didn’t want to do. After I managed to get away when he was finished with me, I didn’t go to the police and I didn’t go home. I returned to the red-light area. I still needed the money for my next fix. This is the hold drugs had over me; it was a total loss of control. I was sore and completely numb to what had just happened to me. And this is how my life continued for 15 years. In and out of punters’ cars and, at some points, working in brothels. In the brothels my addiction would go through the roof as the people running these places were mainly dealers. Not once was I aware of the damage I was causing myself.
Since coming into recovery in June 2014, it has been tough. Living with Complex PTSD has been one of the hardest battles I’ve had to deal with. My symptoms are feelings of anger, fear, dread, irritability, restlessness, discontent, and on a bad day I feel like I’m going to stop breathing. I get hyper vigilant, I have sleep paralysis, flashbacks and night terrors. I isolate myself to keep myself safe from the outside world.
Today I have the awareness of what is happening and I know my triggers. I’ve learnt about my mental health by reading books and looking it up on the internet. I connect with other addicts who can hold me and who I trust. I feel it’s important when talking about my symptoms to find the right people, people who can just listen, not advise, and just let me be and people who don’t make the situation about them and dismiss my feelings.
Whilst the 12 Steps are a great tool, some things they just do not cut it. The Steps are like the wind at the top of a volcano blowing away all the lava and dust, but under all that is the fire that is bubbling away under the surface, and for that I needed outside help. I’ve been in therapy for just over a year now, I get close to the core of the onion then stop because it gets that painful, but I keep going back. I will heal. I am healing every day I don’t pick up drugs, I’m healing in one form or another from my trauma. I’m most definitely not a victim of my past, and I take responsibility for the harms I have caused to myself. I’ve become a survivor and I refuse to let my addiction or mental health define me as a person. I’m a mum today, a sponsor, a sponsee, a friend an employee, an active member in the fellowship I attend.
What I’m extremely grateful for is that I’m no longer a ‘sex worker’, a ‘working girl’, a ‘prostitute’.
I’m me. I’m a recovering addict, free from the seedy streets, cars, and punters.
When it’s dark and raining and I’m inside, an immense feeling of gratitude comes over me. I will never forget the street corners I stood on, the cars or smells, and I will always remember how lucky I am that I’ve gained control of my life. By healing and facing my trauma head on I will never have to subject myself to such pain and hurt again.
I feel I would also like to add how some of my ‘clients’ became my victims. There were some very vulnerable lonely men out there, possibly with their own mental health problems and addiction troubles. Me being the very manipulative addict that I was, could spot these issues from a mile away and knew exactly how to let it benefit me. I had one re-mortgage his house to fund my addiction and he cleared any savings he had out of his account. I’ve had men who know absolutely nothing about addiction take me to houses to score drugs at 2 am. I’ve shouted at them, I’ve screamed at them when I think I can get away with it, I’ve stolen car keys, house keys and I’ve also taken money and run. This is known in the streets as ‘clipping’. There was often a comeback. I’ve been beaten up and attacked on several occasions by the men I’ve stolen from.
Selling sex doesn’t just affect the person selling themselves. Married men get found out, destroying marriages. Neighbours must contend with these men driving round their streets at night and having women walking up and down, making a noise and leaving paraphernalia lying around for people to have to pick up in the morning. It affects everybody in the area.
After sharing my own experience here, I wanted to talk to other women who had similar experiences to myself. I spoke to two women I know in recovery.
I first met Jane in Holloway prison around 20 years ago. She had been in and out of prison most of her adult life having resorted to shoplifting and other crime to fund her drug addiction. Like many of the women you meet in recovery, she had come from a very dysfunctional childhood. Jane grew up in a household where she was exploited in prostitution by her grandmother, a woman who Jane said had detached to her feelings around it. It was a business to her, a way to make money. Jane’s grandmother also sold Jane’s mother and sister for sex to men who would come to their house. Jane’s mum would self-harm regularly. It wasn’t until Jane came into recovery and did some work around the selling sex that she realised had been sold from the age of four. I asked Jane about her experiences selling sex, her childhood trauma and her addiction.
Q1. At what age did you start selling sex?
I now understand I was being exploited and sold from the age of four. When I was a young adult, I became a shoplifter for my drugs and then, with time, I started to sell myself. There was less fear of prison and it felt easier to do.
Q2. Can you remember any thoughts or feelings that were attached to the time you were selling sex?
I can remember the feelings felt like a familiar place: the feelings I got from my abuser. By doing the work, I know now I didn’t have a choice in what I was doing. My addiction had totally taken control over me. I felt desperate and guilty and full of shame and humiliation and my biggest fear was the fear of being seen. I didn’t want people to see me out there on the streets.
Q3. Do you believe there is a link between childhood trauma and addiction?
There is a link to these two things. Selling sex and childhood trauma come hand in hand, I don’t know about other people but for me it does.
Q4. Were you offered any help or support from local services?
People didn’t know I was selling sex. I did my best to keep it secret so nobody could really help me. There isn’t enough support out there still to this day and there is a great need for support groups and outreach teams to be set up, things such as gender specific groups.
Q5. Do you think that selling sex should be made legal?
No, I think it should be made harder. By having selling sex legal, the women are being enabled. There should be more programs set up to help women, and I feel they should be made compulsory. Things like outreach teams, safeguarding, groups on how to keep yourself safe out there. Explain a better way and safer way to dress, talk about birth control and STDS. Use the ugly mugs. Ugly mugs have photos of men with convictions against working girls printed on them, they get distributed by outreach teams in the red-light areas.
Q6. What impact has selling sex had on your life?
I’m 18 years clean, so by continuing to talk about it and helping others it doesn’t really affect me. Of course, it used to, but I’m better today, it’s given me purpose to help others.
Q7. What work, help and support have you had to do to help you manage the affects selling sex has left you with?
Through talking about it and 12 Step fellowships and step work. Writing about selling sex helps the healing process.
Q8. What do you think private rehab clinics and local services should be doing to support men and women who are selling sex?
More groups, more counselling, more information should be given in local service providers.
Jane is very strong empowering lady who I meet in Holloway when I was inmate. She had created groups for women who had sold sex on the detox wings. This was the first time I had ever seen or experienced anything like it in the way of support. I felt love in that room, something I had not felt in a very long time. Women who sell sex come from an extremely dark and cold place, so to have experienced this support felt, and still feels, very special to me. Women would come in and share their stories with the inmates and told us how they got out of their addiction. All these seeds, I believe, were being planted. Jane now has a very successful woman’s house helping vulnerable women into recovery. She continues to do outreach work in the community.
The second woman I went to talk to is very dear friend to me. She is one of the only people who I feel safe to open up to about any of my trauma including that from selling sex. She, like me, comes from a dysfunctional family background and had the same addiction problems as me. Kathy is about to celebrate 13 years of abstinent based recovery. I see her as one of the strong, loving caring and kind people that our fellowship needs. She is a great role model for women who are coming in new to us. Kathy is an asset and a very important part of mine and another women’s support network.
Q1. What age did you start selling sex?
I was in a sexual relationship with my brother from the age of 6. Then, when I was in my teenage years, I was having full on sex with my Mum’s friends in exchange for going out for nice meals and things like that. Then when I was heading in to my 20’s I started working to pay my bills, selling sex didn’t start due to a substance misuse problem but, in the end, I was selling sex to fund my habit.
Q2. Can you remember any thoughts or feelings that were attached to the time you were selling sex?
At first, I felt empowered. I felt I was independent when I worked in a sex parlour, I felt independent and in control. Then when it came to fund my addiction, I was in fear what my friends were starting to think. I saw what I was doing wasn’t right but I had lost all control. I had no boundaries at all. There were huge amounts of shame, guilt and disappointment attached to selling sex and the same feelings caused from the abuse by my brother were also coming up for me. At times I felt like an object, treated like meat. It is still very jumbled in my head, the order of how things happened.
Q3. Do you believe there is a link to childhood trauma and selling sex?
I wouldn’t be surprised if most people selling sex have suffered some form of childhood trauma. I can only speak for myself as yes most definitely.
Q4. Were you offered any help or support from local services?
No, I had no support from local services, none whatsoever
Q5. Do you think selling sex should be made legal?
Yes, I think women should have a right to do what they want with their own bodies but there should be more support around it. Women’s projects should be set up, and safer projects created in supporting the women in what they do.
Q6. What work, help or support have you had to help you manage the effects of selling sex?
Through the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous, working the Steps, and my friends in my support network who I trust around this stuff. I do share a little bit about it in meetings but not much. I’m still waiting for therapy.
Q7. What impact has selling sex had on your life?
It affects my intimate relationships; in areas I struggle in them.
Q8. What do you think private rehab clinics and local services should be doing to support men and women who are selling sex?
There needs to be things like working women’s projects, people need to be out on the streets helping the girls, legal houses, handing out condom’s things like that. There should be services for the punters too, it’s just another form of addiction paying for sex. There should be a punters’ perspective too.
Kathy is now teaching people how to manage their finances and is an active member of the fellowship she is in. She is a valid member of my support network who I aspire to be like when I reach her clean time. She is a strong, caring woman who I have the utmost love and respect for and who I’m extremely proud to call my friend.